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A unique relaxation guide

Have you ever felt the urge for a break in your week or day to unwind and let go of your tensions? What if you had the power to do so, and the tools to allow you to break free from those tensions, wherever and whenever you are?

Created by relaxation specialists and spa professionals, How To Spa comes to the rescue with their unique relaxation guides with tailored advice and recommended items. Whether you are at home, at work or on your travels, slow down and let your body and spirit enjoy a stress free moment.

The How To Spa team suggests 15 or 30 minute sessions, so you have enough time to feel the benefits of the advice.

In order to select the option you need, answer these two questions:

Where would you like to relax ? At home ? At work ? On your travels ?

What result are you seeking ? Total relaxation ? Energy boosting ? Detox ?

Once you’ve selected these two points in the menu, let the How To Spa experts reveal their secrets to you and guide you for your perfect moment; relaxation exercises, self-massage tutorials, tips and advice, recommended cosmetics and accessories…

How do you want to relax?

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tips1   Tips & deals   tips2

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Tuto auto-massage Paris 1er | Kit bien-être Paris 2eme | Formation massages Paris 3eme | Guide relaxation Paris 4eme | Spa à la maison Paris 5eme | Conseils bien-être 6eme | Box relaxation Paris 7eme| Coffrets relaxation Paris 8eme | Kits auto-massages Paris 9eme | Apprendre l’auto-massage Paris 10em | Massages relaxation Paris 11eme | Tutoriels massages Paris 12eme | Auto-massages à la maison Paris 13eme | Massage travail Paris 14eme | Coffret zen Paris 15eme | Coffrets cadeaux bien-être Paris 16eme| S’auto-masser Paris 17eme | Box massage Paris 18eme | Kit massage & bien-être Paris 19eme | Coffret Spa détente Paris 20eme