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Love Yourself,
Love Each Other,
Love Your Panet

Because climate emergency is our N°1 priority, How To Spa has decided to create your Charity Kit, whose 100% of its revenues will go to the stunning GoodPlanet foundation of Yann Arthus Bertrand. A Foundation which deploys various awareness and field programs in favor of ecology and living together.

Why GoodPlanet ?




Following for many years Mr Yann Arthus Bertrand, and being very moved by his work, as an animal reporter, photographer, film producer, and fighting for a better future for our children, the GoodPlanet foundation is a real choice of heart.



Its Goal ? “Puting ecology at the heart of consciousness and arousing the desire to act concretely for the earth and its inhabitants”, through effective and impactful programs. Here is the list from their website, outlining their main missions:

  • Environmental and solidarity field projects

Its United Carbon Action Programme has allowed the GoodPlanet Foundation to support 41 projects in 21 countries to date, enabling the construction of some 6,000 biogas reservoirs, the installation of 10,000 solar cookers, and the construction of 8 bioclimatic schools to benefit over 150,000 people.

  • Raising awareness and educating people on sustainable development

Since 2005, the Foundation has been developing artistic (7 billion Others, HUMAN, etc.) and educational projects to raise awareness among the general public worldwide. In July 2015, Paris City Council entrusted the Domaine de Longchamp to the Foundation for a 30-year period in order to turn it into a site dedicated to ecology and humanism. Free and open to all, the Fondation GoodPlanet-Domaine de Longchamp opened its doors on 13 May 2017.

  • Helping companies and institutions implement an environmentally responsible approach

The Foundation runs in-house awareness-raising projects for businesses and institutions, in addition to support for carbon and responsible food policies and financing for field projects. In 2015, the GoodPlanet Foundation launched the programme “The solution on a platter!”, which promotes 60 solutions and 100 concrete initiatives for responsible food choices.
The GoodPlanet Foundation has been awarded the IDEAS Label for its rigorous and transparent management.

Spread The Word !


In order to spread our action and its message as much as possible, we encourage you to post or repost on Instagram a photo of the Charity Kit received after purchase. With the hashtag #loveyourplanet, @howtospa and @fondationgoodplanet, we will donate 1 € again for The Good Planet Foundation.

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